The Four Pillars of eXp Realty
The Four Pillars of eXp Realty are 1) Technology & Lead Generation, 2) Training, 3) Stock & Ownership & 4) Revenue Sharing. These 4 Pillars train you for sucess, provide the support to be successful, and also provide a means of building wealth and passive income well past your last transaction.
Pillar 1 - Technology & Lead Generation
BoldTrail (previously called KV Core) is not only a premium Client Relationship Manager (CRM), but it also has a great user interface and is fun to work in. We use BoldTrail as our business hub where all our leads are homed, and where we track our follow-ups.
SkySlope is the transaction managment and digital signature application provided to all eXp Realty agents.
Other technology and lead generation solutions offered by eXp Realty include: eXp OKTA, Workplace and Workplace Chat by Meta, My eXp mobile app that provides real time information on your production and revenue share, eXp World Metaverse, Revenos referral platform, Making It Rain paid lead generation, and much more.
When I was researching how to join eXp Realty before I moved my license to eXp Realty, I didn’t even know about the other 3 pillars (training, stock, and revenue share) – it was the technology systems offered in the CRM KV Core (rebranded in 2025 as BoldTrail) that brought me over to have a premium CRM to be able to generate leads with, and automate follow-ups.
Pillar 2 - Training
eXp Realty has regularly scheduled weekly trianing meetings for each state which includes information that is specific to the laws of each state, has over 50 hours per week of production training from ICON agents, has an all-company weekly training. Our eXp Realty Agent Wolf Pack group also offers 5 weekly group calls, additional training on onboarding with eXp Realty and MUCH more.
Pillar 3 - Stock & Ownership
Earning your commission is pretty standard compensation from most any real estate brokerage, however eXp Realty also compensates in the form of eXp Reatly stock awards.
You earn stock by:
- Reaching your commission cap
- Closing your first transaction
- When an agent you are sponsor of closes their first real estate sale
Pillar 4 - Revenue Sharing
Revenue sharing is something that took my some time to understand what it was. It is easy to understand, but is so different from what I was used to at my previous brokerages, that I guess I thought it was too good to be true. What Revenue Sharing essentially is, is eXp Realty sharing their commision with agents that have brought in other agents – like a referral fee.
For example, everytime I have a closing, eXp gives a referral payment to the agent that I joined eXp Realty through (called a “sponsor.”) Every time an agent that joined eXp Realty through me has a closing, eXp gives me a referral payment. What is also amazing about reenue share is that you get a referral payment for up to seven tiers deep of agents that joined through the agents that joined eXp Realty through you.
See Why So Many Agents Are Joining My Group
We are a real estate group that’s breaking boundaries
with the best tools & services to grow a successful real estate business.